Progress after stagnation

September 26, 2019

The twins are 3 weeks old (35 weeks adjusted) and it’s finally starting to feel like we are making progress (although we took a small step backwards today) Last week felt hard. For many days in a row, I would come to the NICU and see no changes in their care. Still on respiratory support.

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The alien space ship

September 15, 2019

When I was inpatient, I often felt like I was in a sci-fi story. The plot had something to do with a prison that did medical experiments on the inmates. The NICU also feels like a sci-fi story, but this one is more like being on a space ship taking care of baby aliens. The

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Goodbye, inpatient life

September 4, 2019

I’m going to keep you in suspense about our decision of when to deliver the babies. In the meantime… As my days as an inpatient come to a close, I am actually feeling a little sad! People think I am joking when I say that, but there are some things about inpatient life that have

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