The twins are 3 weeks old (35 weeks adjusted) and it’s finally starting to feel like we are making progress (although we took a small step backwards today) Last week felt hard. For many days in a row, I would come to the NICU and see no changes in their care. Still on respiratory support.
Month: September 2019
The alien space ship
When I was inpatient, I often felt like I was in a sci-fi story. The plot had something to do with a prison that did medical experiments on the inmates. The NICU also feels like a sci-fi story, but this one is more like being on a space ship taking care of baby aliens. The
55 days later, the babies are here, but our journey is not over
Our baby girls were born on Thursday, September 5 2019 at 1:09 and 1:10 pm Margo Millie – 3 lb 13 oz Annalee Mary – 3 lb 11 oz Some stats: 53 days inpatient + 2 days postpartum 155 x 1 hour NSTs (these are the heartbeat monitoring sessions) 38 separate visitors excluding family!! 9
Goodbye, inpatient life
I’m going to keep you in suspense about our decision of when to deliver the babies. In the meantime… As my days as an inpatient come to a close, I am actually feeling a little sad! People think I am joking when I say that, but there are some things about inpatient life that have